Running Before or After Workout: What's Best for Weight Loss?


When it comes to weight loss, exercise plays a crucial role in burning calories and shedding unwanted pounds.

Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it." - Oprah Winfrey. Running, in particular, is a popular choice for many fitness enthusiasts. However, a common question that arises is whether one should run before or after a workout to maximize weight loss. 

In this article, we'll dive deep into this topic and explore the advantages and disadvantages of running before and after a workout to help you make an informed decision.

Before we discuss, Should You Run Before or After a Workout to Lose Weight? here are some interesting points you should know:

  • Benefits of Running
  • How Running Helps in Losing Weight
  • Does Running Make You Lose Weight?
  • How Much Should I Run To Lose Weight? Running Plan For Weight Loss for Beginners and for experienced runners for a weight loss journey

Running Before or After Workout
Running Before or After Workout

Benefits of Running

Running is about finding your inner peace and so is a life well-lived." - Dean Karnazes.

  • Weight Loss: Running is an effective exercise for weight loss. It burns calories and promotes fat loss, helping to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: Running is a cardiovascular exercise that strengthens the heart and improves circulation. It reduces the risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure, and improves overall cardiovascular health.
  • Increased Endurance: Regular running improves endurance and stamina. It enhances the body's ability to utilize oxygen efficiently, allowing you to engage in physical activities for longer periods without feeling fatigued.
  • Stress Reduction: Running is known to be a great stress reliever. It releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, reducing stress and promoting feelings of well-being.
  • Stronger Muscles and Bones: Running is a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens muscles and bones. It targets the lower body muscles, such as the legs and glutes, as well as the core. This helps improve muscle tone, bone density, and overall strength.

How Running Helps in Losing Weight

By incorporating running into your fitness routine, you can take advantage of its calorie-burning and fat-burning properties, as well as its positive impact on muscle tone, metabolism, and overall body composition, all of which contribute to effective weight management.

  • Calorie Expenditure: Running is a highly effective activity for burning calories. It is a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise that engages multiple muscle groups. By running regularly, you create a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss.
  • Increased Fat Burning: Running promotes fat burning by elevating the heart rate and stimulating the body's metabolic processes. As you engage in running sessions, your body relies on stored fat as a source of energy, contributing to weight loss and a decrease in body fat percentage.
  • Muscle Toning: Running engages various muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and core. Regular running can help tone and strengthen these muscles, leading to a more defined and sculpted appearance. Increased muscle mass also contributes to a higher metabolic rate, which aids in weight management.
  • Boosted Metabolism: Running has a positive impact on metabolism. It increases the body's calorie expenditure during the exercise itself, but it also elevates the metabolic rate post-workout. This means that even after you finish running, your body continues to burn calories at an accelerated rate, supporting weight loss and weight maintenance efforts.
  • Overall Body Composition: Running can help improve overall body composition. It not only contributes to weight loss but also promotes a balanced distribution of weight loss. This means that as you shed pounds through running, you're likely to experience a decrease in body fat while maintaining or even increasing muscle mass, resulting in a leaner and more toned physique.

Does Running Make You Lose Weight?

"Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it." - Oprah Winfrey

Running is a popular form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits. One common question many people have is whether running can help with weight loss.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between running and weight loss, understanding the benefits it provides and how it contributes to shedding those extra pounds.


Should You Run Before or After a Workout to Lose Weight?

Running before or after a workout is a matter of personal preference and the desired outcomes you want to achieve. Let's take a closer look at the potential benefits and drawbacks of each approach.

Running Before a Workout

Running before a workout can have its advantages. Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Boosting metabolism: Running before a workout can kickstart your metabolism, increasing calorie burn during the subsequent exercise session.
  • Enhancing endurance: Running before your workout can help warm up your muscles and increase your stamina, allowing you to perform better during your exercise routine.
  • Fat burning potential: Running primarily relies on stored fat for energy, making it an effective way to initiate fat burning and accelerate weight loss.
While running before a workout can offer some benefits, it's essential to be mindful of the potential downsides.

Running After a Workout

Running after a workout also has its merits. Here's why it might be a favorable option:

  • Depleted glycogen stores: After a workout, your glycogen stores are significantly depleted. Running in this state forces your body to tap into fat reserves for energy, potentially aiding in weight loss.
  • Muscle recovery: Running after a workout can help flush out lactic acid buildup and promote muscle recovery, reducing post-workout soreness.
  • Maximizing calorie burn: By incorporating running into your post-workout routine, you can extend the calorie-burning effects of exercise and potentially accelerate weight loss.

However, running after a workout may not be suitable for everyone and could have some limitations.

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How Much Should I Run To Lose Weight? Running Plan For Weight Loss.

Certainly! Here are two points to consider regarding the amount of running to lose weight for beginners and those who have been running before:

For Beginners:

  • Start Slow and Gradually Increase: If you're a beginner, it's important to start slow and gradually increase your running volume. Begin with a combination of walking and jogging to build up your stamina and endurance. Start with shorter distances or durations, such as 10-15 minutes, and slowly increase by a few minutes each week. Focus on consistency rather than pushing yourself too hard in the beginning.
  • Follow the 10% Rule: As a general guideline, beginners should aim to increase their total running time or distance by no more than 10% each week. Your body can adapt and decrease the risk of overuse injuries. For example, if you're running 20 minutes per session in the first week, aim to increase it to around 22 minutes in the second week.

For Experienced Runners:

  • Set Specific Goals: If you're an experienced runner aiming to lose weight, it's important to set specific goals based on your fitness level and desired weight loss. Determine how many pounds or percentage of body weight you'd like to lose and set a realistic timeline. From there, you can work backward to create a running plan that aligns with your goals.
  • Mix Up Intensity and Distance: As an experienced runner, you can incorporate a mix of longer-distance runs and higher-intensity workouts into your routine. Include longer steady-state runs to build endurance and burn calories, and incorporate interval training or tempo runs to increase the intensity and challenge your body. Varying the intensity and distance helps keep your body engaged and maximizes calorie burn.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and it's essential to listen to your body and make adjustments based on your individual needs and capabilities. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a certified running coach can provide personalized guidance and help you create a running plan that suits your goals and abilities.

Will Running Make Me Skinny?

Certainly! Here are a few key points to consider regarding whether running will make you "skinny":

Calorie Burn and Weight Loss: Running is a highly effective activity for burning calories. It can contribute to weight loss by creating a calorie deficit.

When you burn more calories than you consume, your body may start to utilize stored fat for energy, leading to a decrease in body weight.

However, individual weight loss results may vary depending on factors such as genetics, metabolism, diet, and overall lifestyle.

Body Composition: Running can help improve body composition by reducing body fat and increasing muscle tone. Regular running engages multiple muscle groups, particularly in the lower body.

As you build muscle and decrease body fat through running, you may achieve a leaner and more toned appearance. However, it's important to note that the term "skinny" can be subjective, and overall health and fitness should be the focus rather than solely aiming for a specific body size or appearance.

Combining Running with Strength Training: Incorporating strength training exercises alongside running can be beneficial for achieving a balanced and toned physique.

Strength training helps build muscle, which can further enhance metabolism and improve overall body composition. By combining both types of exercises, you can maximize the benefits of weight management and body shape.

Individual Factors: It's essential to consider that everyone's body is unique, and weight loss or body composition changes can vary among individuals.

Factors such as genetics, age, hormonal balance, and overall lifestyle habits play a role in how running impacts your body. It's important to set realistic goals and focus on overall health and well-being rather than solely aiming for a particular body size.

Remember, running can be a valuable tool for weight management and improving body composition, but it should be part of a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, strength training, and overall healthy habits.

It's always beneficial to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer for personalized guidance and support to help you reach your specific goals.

FAQs about Running Before or After a Workout for Weight Loss

Q: Should I run before strength training to lose weight?

A: Running before strength training can help warm up your muscles and increase calorie burn, but it might impact your strength performance. Consider your priorities and adjust accordingly.

Q: Can I run and lift weights on the same day for weight loss?

A: Yes, running and weightlifting can complement each other for weight loss. However, proper rest and recovery are crucial to avoid overtraining and minimize the risk of injury.

Q: Is it better to run in the morning or evening for weight loss?

A: The best time to run for weight loss depends on your personal preferences and schedule. Some people find that running in the morning jumpstarts their metabolism, while others prefer evening runs to relieve stress and unwind.

Q: How long should I run before or after a workout for weight loss?

A: The duration of your run before or after a workout will depend on your fitness level and goals. Start with shorter runs and gradually increase the duration as you progress.

Q: Can running before or after a workout help me lose belly fat?

A: Running, combined with a balanced diet and overall exercise routine, can contribute to reducing overall body fat, including belly fat. Consistency and commitment are key.

Q: Should I eat before running or working out for weight loss?

A: It's generally recommended to have a light snack or meal before running or working out to provide your body with the necessary fuel. However, the timing and content of your pre-workout meal may vary based on personal preference and digestion.

Q: Can I lose weight by running alone?

A: Running can contribute significantly to weight loss, but it's important to combine it with a balanced diet for optimal results. A combination of regular running and a healthy eating plan is key to achieving sustainable weight loss.

Q: How often should I run to lose weight?

A: To lose weight, aim for at least three to four running sessions per week. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase intensity and duration as your fitness level improves.

Q: Will running help me lose belly fat?

A: Running can contribute to overall weight loss, including fat reduction in the abdominal area. However, spot reduction is not possible, so a combination of running and overall weight loss strategies is necessary to reduce belly fat.

Q: How long does it take to see weight loss results from running?

A: Results vary depending on factors such as body composition, starting weight, and running routine. With consistent effort, including regular running and a balanced diet, you can typically expect to see noticeable weight loss within a few weeks to a couple of months.

Q: Can I run if I have joint pain or a pre-existing condition?

A: If you have joint pain or a pre-existing condition, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a running routine. They can provide guidance on exercises and modifications that are safe and suitable for your specific situation.


When it comes to running before or after a workout for weight loss, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Both approaches have their benefits and drawbacks, and it ultimately boils down to personal preference and individual goals.

Some individuals may find running before a workout more energizing, while others may prefer running after a workout to maximize fat burning during their session.

The key is to listen to your body, experiment with different approaches, and find what works best for you.

Remember to prioritize safety, proper nutrition, and rest to achieve sustainable weight loss results. Consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider if you have any specific concerns or medical conditions.

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